Category Archives: The Bigger Lights

Take a Listen to fun.’s New Album. Seriously.


I finally got a chance to listen to fun.’s new album, Some Nights. I found that I liked it far more than I ever expected. Just as their name implies, it’s a very fun album to listen to. If you haven’t actually taken a chance to listen to it yet, I definitely suggest you do. The album definitely has some other great tracks.

I also felt it was worth noting, for some reason or another, Nate Ruess’s voice brought back some memories for me, as at least to me, his voice sounds somewhat similar to Topher Talley’s voice, the lead singer of The Bigger Lights. If you never had a chance to listen to that band when they were actively touring, I also suggest you take a listen to them as well here

The Bigger Lights Discuss Break-Up


Topher Talley of The Bigger Lights has posted a statement on his blog regarding the future of everyone in The Bigger Lights and where the band stands.

While it’s sad they are no longer a band, Topher says they will all still write and play music in some way and are excited for the future.